Who We Are

Our Team

Heather Smith

CEO/Marketing Specialist/Realtor

License Number: 258040

I grew up in Virginia Beach and came to Wilmington over 16 years ago. I have 10+ years experience in the customer service industry before entering the real estate market. Before joining General Brokerage, I worked in Land Sales and Development as well as New Home Sales. Graduating with a degree in Criminal Justice/ Marketing from University of North Carolina Wilmington, I settled in the Wilmington area, enjoying the beach, surfing and boating. I am also involved in international real estate and currently working on a Costa Rica Land Development project. I see myself as more of an educator, guiding the buyer or seller through each step and strive to make each & every home sale a true success story. Eleven years in the business has taught me a lot and I am eager to share that knowledge with my clients. Whether you are a first time buyer, an experienced investor, a luxury home buyer or a relocation client, I will help you to choose the right home for your needs. I will assist you every step of the way. Through making an offer, negotiations, financing, inspections & closing. I commit to helping you to make the best real estate decisions possible, while helping you to avoid costly errors. It is my job to get you the best price, with the best terms & with the least amount of hassle. Contact me by calling my office at 910-297-7390, or by email at heather@yourcoastalcompass.com Specialties: Custom Home, Dream Home, First Time Buyers, Historic Home, Investment, Land, Luxury Homes, Move-Up Home, New Construction, New Home, Relocation, Retirement

Maria Ange

Executive Assistant

License Number: 321672

Ryanna Avery


License Number: 241467

Ryanna was born and raised in Morehead City, NC and moved to Wilmington in 1997 to attend the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she graduated with honors with a B.A. in Studio Art and minor in Art History. Ryanna has turned her love for art into the opportunity to help design many new construction homes, model homes, and several local Parade of Homes Gold Award Winning Homes. This love of art and design has given Ryanna the passion to help several clients and customers find the perfect home to meet their needs or build their dream home from the ground up. Over the past years Ryanna has had several accolades including 2018 KW Wilmington Market Center Top Listing Agent, 2017 KW Wilmington Market Center Top Selling Agent, and 2016 KW Wilmington Market Center Top Listing Agent.
Keller Williams
Heather Smith
1001 Military Cutoff Rd
Wilmington, NC 28405

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